
Welcome to my blog!! I decided to create it so that I may share my stories in my journeys to Nicaragua. I hope you enjoy reading as I share with you the many ways God works!

Saturday, July 10, 2010

Going back to my heart's land..

It's been two years since I first fell in love with this picture. Since March 2008, I have felt the continuous calling to return five times to Nicaragua- the land of lakes and volcanoes, the 2nd poorest country in the Western Hemisphere, and the home of the people who have captured my heart.

After taking this picture in March of this year (2010), I wasn't expecting to see this view for a while. I am currently trying to finish my Masters in Teaching English as Second Language at Carson-Newman College. I have been trying to finish up my coursework all summer. I thought I would be too busy to go back to Nicaragua. But then I heard about a trip that starts right after I finish classes. After praying about it, I decided I need to go back, not because of the joy of being there (I really could use a vacation instead), but because I feel like it's what God wants me to do.

Therefore, on July 26, a group of 7 others with Jesus Centered Ministries and I will be leaving on mission to Leon, Nicaragua. We will be working with a few doctors to medically serve a couple of communities. While the clinics are being held, a few others and I will be holding Bible school and recreational activities in hopes of sharing the Goods News of the Gospel of Jesus Christ. During that week, we also will be visiting some churches and the local hospital. After the group leaves on August 2, I will stay in Leon and help take care of the children living the JCM house. I also hope to visit with some friends and encourage them in their relational walk with Christ.

Please join me in my journey by praying for my team and me. We are only tools used by God; He does all the work. So please pray that we will be obedient to His guidance. Please pray for our safety, health, and strength because it can be very physically exhausting traveling, working, and living in the Nicaraguan heat. Please pray that hearts will be prepared for our message and that the Spirit will speak through our words. Pray that God will be glorified in all that we do, for everything is for Him and His glory.

If you would like to help in any way, we are still needing vitamins to pass out in the clinic. We also would like to take small toys to pass out to the kids at the clinics and the hospital. If you would like to donate any of these items, please contact me.

Additionally, I still do not have all my money paid for the trip. The biggest factor that was keeping me from originally going on this trip was the fear of not being able to afford it or having to ask for money. However, I know that God is the ultimate provider, and if it truly is His will for me to go, He will provide the funds. So if you feel like God could me using you to help me go, please let me know as well. I take each gift with such humility, graciousness, and thankfulness; I do not take it for granted.

I am so excited and expectant to see what God will do on this trip. Each trip He works in a wonderfully unique way that is so wonderful to tell to others but so hard to fully explain. I hope this blog will serve well in helping me tell of the wonders of God.

Thank you so much for reading! I will continue to keep you posted on the trip progress. Dios te bendiga! God bless you!

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